Author Thursdays: My Writing Guru

There are books you love and authors you adore. There are stories that settle into your mind like dust that is never swept away. There are sayings that pass and words that glitter but I recently found my writing guru. Perhaps I found a wonderful writer before but was not able to recognize the finesse in the writing. I’ve read greats and smalls alike but this new author is unlike any that I have read. I would actually pay for her books, that’s how good her writing is (and I don’t hold with owning books, I prefer to rent them from the library, unless I’m supporting a local author). Her writing is full of descriptions I do not even have the experience to write and yet I can instantly visualize what she is describing. When I notice her writing techniques I see a lack of sloppy adverbs, until I am sucked back into the story of course. Her subject matter is a little hard for me to grasp, poverty in this day and age and a smart gal stuck in her life. Is she a good mother or isn’t she? Is she really poor when she has a cell phone, clothes, and food? What is poverty anymore for that matter?

Look her up, read her books & enjoy

Barbara Kingsolver