NaNo November 16: Week Three Update – Still Behind, Still Writing

This time last year I was already a winner of NaNoWriMo. I had it together. I had time. I had plot. I had motivation. I had friends. I have a lot of those this year, but I lack some essentials: like time and good plot to work with. At this point in my novel (at 30,500) my characters are saying anything that comes to mind and they are meandering all over the place! I’m consistently 5k or more behind but I have hopes of finishing strong over the Holidays and my first weekend that isn’t jam-packed with events.

Carry on my writers! Whether win or lose, at least you will be focusing on writing!

I’m also attempting to revise a short story for an anthology, getting one to two short stories together for a December 1 deadline, and keeping the rest of my life together!

Happy Turkey day in advance!


2 thoughts on “NaNo November 16: Week Three Update – Still Behind, Still Writing

  1. I’m with you to do the huge task of catching up! I’m at just ove 25k, but on Saturday you inspired me to want to win after all. I went from 13 to 25 in 3 days after that, so I think I can do this too. Check in with me on the NaNo site through buddies during the holidays, and we can cheer each other forward and stay accountable. I’ll see you at the Sunday Write-in too. -Quinnleeeee


    • I’m still trucking forward! 32k and write-ins today, potentially Black Dog Friday, Snoqualmie Sunday and maybe Spotted Cow for my first Everett write-in Sunday evening to catch up and surge to the finish line! And then back to editing book 2 in the For the Love of Donuts series.

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