Book Review: Tattered & Torn: The Sacred Hearts MC Book IV (Volume 4) by AJ Downey

Tattered & Torn: The Sacred Hearts MC Book IV (Volume 4) by AJ Downey

A Romance Novel published by Second Circle Press (03/24/15)


“I didn’t know how to process this big horrible no good very bad thing that had taken over my life and my dreams and dogged every step I took.” (Page 44).

Shelly and Ghost have a thing for one another, but with a lack of communication their budding relationship was nipped in the bud with the brutality of the Suicide King’s attack in Cracked & Crushed, until Ghost learns what Shelly has given up for him and Shelly learns why Ghost was so hung up over her past.



Romance, motorcycle, club, friendship, loyalty, family, POV change, best friends, bad days, sexual content, darker sides, past life, protection, love


My Review:

Downey brings together two unlikely characters in Tattered & Torn, the club “bunny” and a Southern gentleman/farmer boy. Their views on sex differ quite a bit, but their attraction to each other is in equal measure. Downey has set up a large personality difference and attitude to overcome for each of them to be able to live with one another and love one another.

This is the first book in the Sacred Hearts MC Series where the book drags until the middle and the relationship can really begin. Downey drowns us in Shelly’s moods and depression following quite the catastrophic incident and her misery is quite negative to float around in.

Ghost and Shelly are more perfect for each other than they realize. They both have their tempers and pasts to overcome. They both are willing to work for what they love and are extremely loyal to the club. What Ghost doesn’t understand, at first, is that the roles of a woman and man in the MC club are completely and irrevocably different.

I absolutely love the fact that Shelly gets her moment in this book. She gets to face her past head on and she gets to prove that even though she has those who will kill to protect her, she is capable of protecting herself.

This novel was published by Second Circle Press on March 24th, 2015 and is available on Amazon here.

TL;DR Star Rating: 4.25

Links for more information:

A.J. Downey’s Blog



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